Waste and Residue
With important goals and objectives related to the reduction of the volume of generated waste as well as the organic load of effluents, BRF has some initiatives and strategies to minimize possible environmental damages. Check below to know how we work on managing these two important topics for the company.
The management of the effluents generated in the industrial activity is of great relevance for BRF. As one of the main focuses of action, we seek to meet the legal quality requirements of the emission and promote, in addition to the reduction, the adequate disposal of the effluents.

We established challenges and objectives related to both the reduction of the volume of effluents and that of the organic load. In each plant, we study ways to control the generation of effluents and seek modernization of treatment plants, focusing on better and better standards of final effluent quality.
We also use preventive tools, such as the Environmental Performance Index (IPA), generated through on-site inspection routes to identify and address the potential situations of causing an environmental event.
Solid waste control at BRF focuses on reducing, recycling and reusing materials throughout our value chain from suppliers to the post-consumer stage. In operation, we seek cost efficiency combined with impact management.
Another important point in the company’s strategy is the establishment of targets to reduce the volume of waste. Among those linked to our Environmental Compliance Index is the reduction of the amount of waste generated, both recyclable and non-recyclable. We also adopt measures to reuse by-products in our production processes. This is the case of sludge generated in the treatment of effluents and used as a fuel mixture for the boilers, meeting the legal requirements. This results in a reduction in chip consumption and, in some units, the utilization of practically 100% of the sludge produced in the whole process.
All our logistics centers also have a collection structure. At the core of the reverse logistics challenge, all our own and integrated farms have a Reverse Logistics Program for Animal Health Wastes. In addition, as part of the company’s strategic supply chain plan, we have sought to apply the BRF Radius vision to enhance our relationships with communities, which includes initiatives related to the recycling of our waste.
This is our main method of final disposal, transforming waste into organic fertilizer, with appropriate destination from the legal and environmental points of view. Separation for disposal of organic waste and other categories (recyclable and non-recyclable) is also adopted in administrative operations.

In line with the main trends in the world, BRF seeks to reduce, recycle and reuse packaging, as well as avoid waste and disposal of food through the quality and suitability of its packaging. Therefore, the company invests in materials and intelligent products, which improve conservation and quality, and help to make the shelf life of products more flexible.
In Brazil, compliance with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) is a challenge due to the complexity of the actions required by the standard and the extension of the company’s supply and distribution chain. To overcome this, BRF has participated in discussions and public initiatives, such as:
• In the State of Paraná (BR), through the Reverse Logistics Institute (ILOG), BRF annually contributes to the construction of recyclable materials recovery centers in the State, together with other companies.
• Through the Brazilian Food Industry Association (Abia), BRF has participated, since 2012, in the Business Coalition coordinated by the Corporate Commitment to Recycling (Cempre). The coalition aims to obtain more expressive results in relation to the increase of the percentages of recycling in Brazil and the attendance to PNRS.
Internally, we count on the expertise of our Production and Development area that seeks to reduce the use of materials and develop innovative packaging, accompanying product innovation projects with a focus on waste.